
Ranko Lazic

R. S. Lazic

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33EEMarcin Jurdzinski, Ranko Lazic, Michal Rutkowski: Average-Price-per-Reward Games on Hybrid Automata with Strong Resets. VMCAI 2009: 167-181
32EEStéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic: LTL with the freeze quantifier and register automata. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 10(3): (2009)
31EEPatricia Bouyer, Thomas Brihaye, Marcin Jurdzinski, Ranko Lazic, Michal Rutkowski: Average-Price and Reachability-Price Games on Hybrid Automata with Strong Resets. FORMATS 2008: 63-77
30EEStéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic, Arnaud Sangnier: Model Checking Freeze LTL over One-Counter Automata. FoSSaCS 2008: 490-504
29EERanko Lazic: Safety alternating automata on data words CoRR abs/0802.4237: (2008)
28EEMarcin Jurdzinski, Ranko Lazic: Alternating Automata on Data Trees and XPath Satisfiability CoRR abs/0805.0330: (2008)
27EEStéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic, Arnaud Sangnier: Model checking memoryful linear-time logics over one-counter automata CoRR abs/0810.5517: (2008)
26EERanko Lazic, Tom Newcomb, Joël Ouaknine, A. W. Roscoe, James Worrell: Nets with Tokens which Carry Data. Fundam. Inform. 88(3): 251-274 (2008)
25EERanko Lazic, Thomas Christopher Newcomb, Joël Ouaknine, A. W. Roscoe, James Worrell: Nets with Tokens Which Carry Data. ICATPN 2007: 301-320
24EEMarcin Jurdzinski, Ranko Lazic: Alternation-free modal mu-calculus for data trees. LICS 2007: 131-140
23EERanko Lazic, Rajagopal Nagarajan: Guest Editorial. Formal Asp. Comput. 19(3): 275 (2007)
22EEStéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic, David Nowak: On the freeze quantifier in Constraint LTL: Decidability and complexity. Inf. Comput. 205(1): 2-24 (2007)
21EEAleksandar Dimovski, Ranko Lazic: Compositional software verification based on game semantics and process algebra. STTT 9(1): 37-51 (2007)
20EERanko Lazic: Safely Freezing LTL. FSTTCS 2006: 381-392
19EEAleksandar Dimovski, Ranko Lazic: Assume-Guarantee Software Verification Based on Game Semantics. ICFEM 2006: 529-548
18EEStéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic: LTL with the Freeze Quantifier and Register Automata. LICS 2006: 17-26
17EEAleksandar Dimovski, Dan R. Ghica, Ranko Lazic: A Counterexample-Guided Refinement Tool for Open Procedural Programs. SPIN 2006: 288-292
16EEStéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic, David Nowak: On the freeze quantifier in Constraint LTL: decidability and complexity CoRR abs/cs/0609008: (2006)
15EEStéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic: LTL with the Freeze Quantifier and Register Automata CoRR abs/cs/0610027: (2006)
14EERanko Lazic, Rajagopal Nagarajan: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 145: 1-2 (2006)
13 Aleksandar Dimovski, Dan R. Ghica, Ranko Lazic: Abstraction-refinement for game-based model checking. GALOP 2005: 139
12EEAleksandar Dimovski, Dan R. Ghica, Ranko Lazic: Data-Abstraction Refinement: A Game Semantic Approach. SAS 2005: 102-117
11EEStéphane Demri, Ranko Lazic, David Nowak: On the Freeze Quantifier in Constraint LTL: Decidability and Complexity. TIME 2005: 113-121
10EEAleksandar Dimovski, Ranko Lazic: Software Model Checking Based on Game Semantics and CSP. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 128(6): 105-125 (2005)
9EERanko Lazic: Decidability of Reachability for Polymorphic Systems with Arrays: A Complete Classification. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 138(3): 3-19 (2005)
8EERanko Lazic, Thomas Christopher Newcomb, Bill Roscoe: Polymorphic Systems with Arrays, 2-Counter Machines and Multiset Rewriting. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 138(3): 61-86 (2005)
7EERanko Lazic, Thomas Christopher Newcomb, A. W. Roscoe: On Model Checking Data-Independent Systems with Arrays with Whole-Array Operations. 25 Years Communicating Sequential Processes 2004: 275-291
6EEAleksandar Dimovski, Ranko Lazic: CSP Representation of Game Semantics for Second-Order Idealized Algol. ICFEM 2004: 146-161
5EEXu Wang, A. W. Roscoe, Ranko Lazic: Relating Data Independent Trace Checks in CSP with UNITY Reachability under a Normality Assumption. IFM 2004: 247-266
4 Ranko Lazic, Thomas Christopher Newcomb, A. W. Roscoe: On model checking data-independent systems with arrays without reset. TPLP 4(5-6): 659-693 (2004)
3EERanko Lazic, David Nowak: On a Semantic Definition of Data Independence . TLCA 2003: 226-240
2EERanko Lazic, David Nowak: A Unifying Approach to Data-Independence. CONCUR 2000: 581-595
1 Ranko Lazic, Bill Roscoe: Data Independence with Generalised Predicate Symbols. PDPTA 1999: 319-326

Coauthor Index

1Patricia Bouyer [31]
2Thomas Brihaye [31]
3Stéphane Demri [11] [15] [16] [18] [22] [27] [30] [32]
4Aleksandar Dimovski [6] [10] [12] [13] [17] [19] [21]
5Dan R. Ghica [12] [13] [17]
6Marcin Jurdzinski [24] [28] [31] [33]
7Rajagopal Nagarajan [14] [23]
8Thomas Christopher Newcomb [4] [7] [8] [25]
9Tom Newcomb [26]
10David Nowak [2] [3] [11] [16] [22]
11Joël Ouaknine [25] [26]
12A. W. Roscoe (A. William Roscoe, Bill Roscoe) [1] [4] [5] [7] [8] [25] [26]
13Michal Rutkowski [31] [33]
14Arnaud Sangnier [27] [30]
15Xu Wang [5]
16James Worrell [25] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)