
Victor B. Lawrence

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8EEChonggang Wang, Kazem Sohraby, Victor B. Lawrence, Bo Li, Yueming Hu: Priority-based Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. SUTC (1) 2006: 22-31
7EESyed V. Ahamed, Victor B. Lawrence: Localized Knowledge Based Intelligent Medical. CBMS 2003: 89-96
6EEVictor B. Lawrence, Nicholas Zervos, Theodore Zahariadis, Apostolos Meliones: Digital Gateways for Multimedia Home Networks. Telecommunication Systems 23(3-4): 335-349 (2003)
5EEKazem Sohraby, Victor B. Lawrence, Sukant K. Mohapatra: The Next-Generation Signaling System for switching and control in integrated optical networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(1): 121-133 (2002)
4EEVictor B. Lawrence, Kazem Sohraby: Internet service delivery, application platforms, and product evolution. Bell Labs Technical Journal 6(2): 1-5 (2001)
3EEShervin Erfani, Victor B. Lawrence, Manu Malek: The management paradigm shift: Challenges from element management to service management. Bell Labs Technical Journal 5(4): 3-20 (2000)
2 Syed V. Ahamed, Victor B. Lawrence: Interoperability of Multiple Databases for the Design and Simulation of High-Speed Digital Subscriber Lines. RIDE-IMS 1993: 262-267
1 Allen Gersho, Victor B. Lawrence: Multidimensional Signal Design for Digital Transmission Over Bandlimited Channels. ICC (1) 1984: 377-380

Coauthor Index

1Syed V. Ahamed [2] [7]
2Shervin Erfani [3]
3Allen Gersho [1]
4Yueming Hu [8]
5Bo Li [8]
6Manu Malek [3]
7Apostolos Meliones [6]
8Sukant K. Mohapatra [5]
9Kazem Sohraby [4] [5] [8]
10Chonggang Wang [8]
11Theodore B. Zahariadis (Theodore Zahariadis) [6]
12Nicholaos Zervos (Nicholas Zervos) [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)