
Kenneth D. Lawrence

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4EEGary R. Reeves, Kenneth D. Lawrence, Sheila M. Lawrence, Juan J. Gonzalez: A multiple criteria approach to aggregate industrial capacity expansion. Computers & OR 15(4): 333-339 (1988)
3EEGary R. Reeves, Kenneth D. Lawrence, Sheila M. Lawrence, John B. Guerard Jr: Combining earnings forecasts using multiple objective linear programming. Computers & OR 15(6): 551-559 (1988)
2EEKenneth D. Lawrence, Gary R. Reeves: A zero-one goal programming model for capital budgeting in a property and liability insurance company. Computers & OR 9(4): 303-309 (1982)
1EEJeffrey L. Arthur, Kenneth D. Lawrence: A multiple goal blending problem. Computers & OR 7(3): 215-224 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Jeffrey L. Arthur [1]
2Juan J. Gonzalez [4]
3John B. Guerard Jr [3]
4Sheila M. Lawrence [3] [4]
5Gary R. Reeves [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)