
Benoit Lavoie

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8 Jim Cowie, Stephen Helmreich, Valeriy Sibirtsev, Sergei Nirenburg, Steve Beale, Tanya Korelsky, Benoit Lavoie, Ted Caldwell: MOQA - Meaning-Oriented Question-Answering. RIAO 2004: 260-274
7 Scott P. Overmyer, Benoit Lavoie, Owen Rambow: Conceptual Modeling through Linguistic Analysis Using LIDA. ICSE 2001: 401-410
6EEChung-hye Han, Benoit Lavoie, Martha Stone Palmer, Owen Rambow, Richard I. Kittredge, Tanya Korelsky, Nari Kim, Myunghee Kim: Handling Stuctural Divergences and Recovering Dropped Arguments in a Korean/English Machine Translation System. AMTA 2000: 40-53
5EEBenoit Lavoie, Richard I. Kittredge, Tanya Korelsky, Owen Rambow: A Framework for MT and Multilingual NLG Systems Based on Uniform Lexico-Structural Processing. ANLP 2000: 60-67
4 Benoit Lavoie, Owen Rambow: A Framework for Customizable Generation of Hypertext Presentations. COLING-ACL 1998: 718-722
3EEBenoit Lavoie, Owen Rambow, Ehud Reiter: Customizable Descriptions of Object-Oriented Models. ANLP 1997: 253-256
2EEBenoit Lavoie, Owen Rainbow: A Fast and Portable Realizer for Text Generation Systems. ANLP 1997: 265-268
1EEL. Iordanskaja, Myunghee Kim, Richard I. Kittredge, Benoit Lavoie, Alain Polguère: Generation of Extended Bilingual Statistical Reports. COLING 1992: 1019-1023

Coauthor Index

1Steve Beale [8]
2Ted Caldwell [8]
3Jim Cowie [8]
4Chung-hye Han [6]
5Stephen Helmreich [8]
6L. Iordanskaja [1]
7Myunghee Kim [1] [6]
8Nari Kim [6]
9Richard I. Kittredge [1] [5] [6]
10Tanya Korelsky [5] [6] [8]
11Sergei Nirenburg [8]
12Scott P. Overmyer [7]
13Martha Palmer (Martha Stone Palmer) [6]
14Alain Polguère [1]
15Owen Rainbow [2]
16Owen Rambow [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
17Ehud Reiter [3]
18Valeriy Sibirtsev [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)