
Marc Lavielle

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7EEMarc Lavielle, Cristian Meza: A parameter expansion version of the SAEM algorithm. Statistics and Computing 17(2): 121-130 (2007)
6EEAdeline Samson, Marc Lavielle, France Mentré: Extension of the SAEM algorithm to left-censored data in nonlinear mixed-effects model: Application to HIV dynamics model. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51(3): 1562-1574 (2006)
5EEFranck Picard, Stéphane Robin, Marc Lavielle, Christian Vaisse, Jean-Jacques Daudin: A statistical approach for array CGH data analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 27 (2005)
4EEMarc Lavielle, Céline Lévy-Leduc: Semiparametric estimation of the frequency of unknown periodic functions and its application to laser vibrometry signals. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(7): 2306-2314 (2005)
3EEMarc Lavielle: Using penalized contrasts for the change-point problem. Signal Processing 85(8): 1501-1510 (2005)
2 Sophie Donnet, Marc Lavielle, Philippe Ciuciu, Jean-Baptiste Poline: Selection of Temporal Models for Event-Related fMRI. ISBI 2004: 992-995
1EEJean-Yves Tourneret, Michel Doisy, Marc Lavielle: Bayesian off-line detection of multiple change-points corrupted by multiplicative noise: application to SAR image edge detection. Signal Processing 83(9): 1871-1887 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Philippe Ciuciu [2]
2Jean-Jacques Daudin [5]
3Michel Doisy [1]
4Sophie Donnet [2]
5Céline Lévy-Leduc [4]
6France Mentré [6]
7Cristian Meza [7]
8Franck Picard [5]
9Jean-Baptiste Poline [2]
10Stéphane Robin [5]
11Adeline Samson [6]
12Jean-Yves Tourneret [1]
13Christian Vaisse [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)