
Fabio Lavagetto

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17EEAlessandro Carlotto, Matteo Parodi, Carlo Bonamico, Fabio Lavagetto, Massimo Valla: Proximity classification for mobile devices using wi-fi environment similarity. MELT 2008: 43-48
16EELivio Denegri, Fabio Lavagetto, Alessandro Iscra: Indoor Penetration of Outdoor Urban UMTS Coverage: An Experimental Model. VTC Spring 2008: 309-313
15EEMaria Fresia, Fabio Lavagetto: Determination of Optimal Distortion-Based Protection in Progressive Image Transmission: A Heuristic Approach. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(9): 1654-1662 (2008)
14EEAlessio Torquati, Maria Fresia, Fabio Lavagetto: Determination of Optimal Distortion-Based Protection in Progressive Image Transmission: a Heuristic Approach. ICC 2007: 2705-2710
13EELivio Denegri, Luca Bixio, Fabio Lavagetto, Alessandro Iscra, Carlo Braccini: An Analytical Model of Microcellular Propagation in Urban Canyons. VTC Spring 2007: 402-406
12EEAmbarish Natu, Maria Fresia, Fabio Lavagetto: Transmission of JPEG2000 code-streams over mobile radio channels. ICIP (1) 2005: 785-788
11EELuca Marchesotti, Carlo S. Regazzoni, Carlo Bonamico, Fabio Lavagetto: Video Processing and Understanding Tools for Augmented Multisensor Perception and Mobile User Interaction in Smart Spaces. Int. J. Image Graphics 5(3): 679-698 (2005)
10EEGiovanni Bazzoni, Enrico Bianchi, Oliver Grau, Alec Knox, Reinhard Koch, Fabio Lavagetto, Alex Parkinson, Federico Pedersini, Augusto Sarti, Graham A. Thomas, Stefano Tubaro: The ORIGAMI Project: advanced tools and techniques for high-end mixing and interaction between real and virtual content. 3DPVT 2002: 306-312
9EEFabio Lavagetto: Emotional representation and animation of 3D facial models: the INTERFACE approach. ICIP (2) 2001: 594-597
8 Roberto Pockaj, Fabio Lavagetto: An efficient use of MPEG-4 FAP interpolation for facial animation at 70 bits/frame. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 11(10): 1085-1097 (2001)
7EEFabio Lavagetto, Roberto Pockaj, Maurizio Costa: Smooth surface interpolation and texture adaptation for MPEG-4 compliant calibration of 3D head models. Image Vision Comput. 18(4): 345-353 (2000)
6EEFabio Lavagetto: VIDAS Analysis/Synthesis Tools for Natural-to-Virtual Face Representation. ECMAST 1999: 348-363
5 Fabio Lavagetto: VIDAS Workshop on Synthetic Natural Hybrid Coding. ECMAST 1997: 755-769
4 Fabio Vignoli, Sergio Curinga, Fabio Lavagetto: A Neural Clustering Algorithm for Estimating Visible Articulatory Trajectory. ICANN 1996: 863-868
3EEFabio Lavagetto: Speech Articulatory Analysis Through Time Delay Neural Networks. ANNES 1995: 306-309
2 Carlo Braccini, Fabio Cocurullo, Fabio Lavagetto: A Fast Algorithm for High Quality Vector Quantization Codebook Design. ICIAP 1995: 643-648
1 Fabio Lavagetto, Fabio Cocurullo, Sergio Curinga: Frame Adaptive Segmentatino for Model-Based Videophone Coding. ICIP (2) 1994: 414-417

Coauthor Index

1Giovanni Bazzoni [10]
2Enrico Bianchi [10]
3Luca Bixio [13]
4Carlo Bonamico [11] [17]
5Carlo Braccini [2] [13]
6Alessandro Carlotto [17]
7Fabio Cocurullo [1] [2]
8Maurizio Costa [7]
9Sergio Curinga [1] [4]
10Livio Denegri [13] [16]
11Maria Fresia [12] [14] [15]
12Oliver Grau [10]
13Alessandro Iscra [13] [16]
14Alec Knox [10]
15Reinhard Koch [10]
16Luca Marchesotti [11]
17Ambarish Natu [12]
18Alex Parkinson [10]
19Matteo Parodi [17]
20Federico Pedersini [10]
21Roberto Pockaj [7] [8]
22Carlo S. Regazzoni [11]
23Augusto Sarti [10]
24Graham A. Thomas [10]
25Alessio Torquati [14]
26Stefano Tubaro [10]
27Massimo Valla [17]
28Fabio Vignoli [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)