
Adela S. M. Lau

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5EEAdela S. M. Lau, Vennesa W. S. Kwok: How e-government strategies influence e-commerce adoption by SMEs. EG 4(1): 20-42 (2007)
4EEAdela S. M. Lau: Strategies to encourage the adoption of G2C e-government services in Hong Kong. EG 1(3): 273-292 (2004)
3EEAdela S. M. Lau: A study on direction of development of business to customer m-commerce. IJMC 1(1/2): 167-179 (2003)
2EEAdela S. M. Lau, Jerome Yen, Patrick Y. K. Chau: Adoption of On-line Trading in the Hong Kong Financial Market. J. Electron. Commerce Res. 2(2): 58-65 (2001)
1EEStanley K. Yung, Christopher C. Yang, Adela S. M. Lau, Jerome Yen: Applying Multi Agent Technology to Supply Chain Management. J. Electron. Commerce Res. 1(4): 119-132 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Patrick Y. K. Chau [2]
2Vennesa W. S. Kwok [5]
3Christopher C. Yang [1]
4Jerome Yen [1] [2]
5Stanley K. Yung [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)