
Claude Lattaud

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14EEStefan Bornhofen, Claude Lattaud: On hopeful monsters, neutral networks and junk code in evolving L-systems. GECCO 2008: 193-200
13EEMarc Métivier, Claude Lattaud: Imitation dans le cadre des systèmes de classeurs. Technique et Science Informatiques 26(3-4): 339-369 (2007)
12EEStefan Bornhofen, Claude Lattaud: Simulation de communautés de plantes et dynamique des populations. Technique et Science Informatiques 26(3-4): 391-421 (2007)
11 Stefan Bornhofen, Claude Lattaud: Evolutionary Design of Virtual Plants. CGVR 2006: 28-34
10EEStefan Bornhofen, Claude Lattaud: Life History Evolution of Virtual Plants: Trading Off Between Growth and Reproduction. PPSN 2006: 808-817
9EEStefan Bornhofen, Claude Lattaud: Outlines of Artificial Life: A Brief History of Evolutionary Individual Based Models. Artificial Evolution 2005: 226-237
8EEClaude Lattaud: Co-evolution in Artificial Ecosystems: Competition and Cooperation Using Allellopathy. Artificial Evolution 2003: 319-330
7EEClaude Lattaud: Long-Term Competition for Light in Plant Simulation. GECCO 2003: 144-145
6EEMarc Métivier, Claude Lattaud: Anticipatory Classifier System Using Behavioral Sequences in Non-Markov Environments. IWLCS 2002: 143-162
5EEStéphane Sikora, David Steinberg, Claude Lattaud: Integration of Simulation Tools in On-Line Virtual Worlds. Virtual Worlds 2000: 32-43
4EEClaude Lattaud: Non-homogeneous Classifier Systems in a Macro-evolution Process. Learning Classifier Systems 1999: 161-174
3 Claude Lattaud: A Macro - Mutation Operator in Genetic Algorithms. ECAI 1998: 323-324
2EEClaude Lattaud, Cristina Cuenca: A Model for the Evolution of Environments. Virtual Worlds 1998: 218-228
1 Nicolas Meuleau, Claude Lattaud: The Artificial Evolution of Cooperation. Artificial Evolution 1995: 159-180

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Bornhofen [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
2Cristina Cuenca [2]
3Marc Métivier [6] [13]
4Nicolas Meuleau [1]
5Stéphane Sikora [5]
6David Steinberg [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)