2009 |
25 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
The K-moment problem with densities.
Math. Program. 116(1-2): 321-341 (2009) |
2008 |
24 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre,
Monique Laurent,
Philipp Rostalski:
Computing the real variety of an ideal: a real algebraic and symbolic-numeric algorithm.
SAC 2008: 1845-1846 |
23 | EE | Rida Laraki,
Jean B. Lasserre:
Semidefinite programming for N-Player Games
CoRR abs/0810.3150: (2008) |
22 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre,
Monique Laurent,
Philipp Rostalski:
Semidefinite Characterization and Computation of Zero-Dimensional Real Radical Ideals.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 8(5): 607-647 (2008) |
21 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
A semidefinite programming approach to the generalized problem of moments.
Math. Program. 112(1): 65-92 (2008) |
20 | EE | Dimitris Bertsimas,
Xuan Vinh Doan,
Jean B. Lasserre:
Approximating integrals of multivariate exponentials: A moment approach.
Oper. Res. Lett. 36(2): 205-210 (2008) |
2007 |
19 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre,
Eduardo S. Zeron:
Simple Explicit Formula for Counting Lattice Points of Polyhedra.
IPCO 2007: 367-381 |
2006 |
18 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
Convergent SDP-Relaxations for Polynomial Optimization with Sparsity.
ICMS 2006: 263-272 |
17 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
Robust global optimization with polynomials.
Math. Program. 107(1-2): 275-293 (2006) |
2005 |
16 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
Erratum to "Generating functions and duality for integer programs": [Discrete Optimization 1 (2) (2004) 167-187].
Discrete Optimization 2(1): 1 (2005) |
2004 |
15 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
The Integer Hull of a Convex Rational Polytope.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 32(1): 129-139 (2004) |
14 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
A discrete Farkas lemma.
Discrete Optimization 1(1): 67-75 (2004) |
13 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
Generating functions and duality for integer programs.
Discrete Optimization 1(2): 167-187 (2004) |
12 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
Integer programming, Barvinok's counting algorithm and Gomory relaxations.
Oper. Res. Lett. 32(2): 133-137 (2004) |
2003 |
11 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
A Discrete Farkas Lemma.
ICCSA (1) 2003: 273-281 |
10 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
The Integer Hull of a Convex Rational Polytope.
ICCSA (3) 2003: 866-875 |
9 | EE | Didier Henrion,
Jean B. Lasserre:
GloptiPoly: Global optimization over polynomials with Matlab and SeDuMi.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 29(2): 165-194 (2003) |
8 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre,
Eduardo S. Zeron:
On Counting Integral Points in a Convex Rational Polytope.
Math. Oper. Res. 28(4): 853-870 (2003) |
2002 |
7 | EE | Didier Henrion,
Jean B. Lasserre:
Solving Global Optimization Problems over Polynomials with GloptiPoly 2.1.
COCOS 2002: 43-58 |
6 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
Semidefinite Programming vs. LP Relaxations for Polynomial Programming.
Math. Oper. Res. 27(2): 347-360 (2002) |
5 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre,
Eduardo S. Zeron:
Solving the knapsack problem via Z-transform.
Oper. Res. Lett. 30(6): 394-400 (2002) |
2001 |
4 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
An Explicit Exact SDP Relaxation for Nonlinear 0-1 Programs.
IPCO 2001: 293-303 |
3 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre,
Eduardo S. Zeron:
A Laplace transform algorithm for the volume of a convex polytope.
J. ACM 48(6): 1126-1140 (2001) |
2000 |
2 | EE | Jean B. Lasserre:
Why the logarithmic barrier function in convex and linear programming?
Oper. Res. Lett. 27(4): 149-152 (2000) |
1992 |
1 | | Jean B. Lasserre,
Maurice Queyranne:
Generic Scheduling Polyhedra and a New Mixed-Integer Formulation for Single-Machine Scheduling.
IPCO 1992: 136-149 |