
Richard C. Larson

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7EEKarima R. Nigmatulina, Richard C. Larson: Living with influenza: Impacts of government imposed and voluntarily selected interventions. European Journal of Operational Research 195(2): 613-627 (2009)
6EEOded Berman, Richard C. Larson: A queueing control model for retail services having back room operations and cross-trained workers. Computers & OR 31(2): 201-222 (2004)
5EEEdieal J. Pinker, Richard C. Larson: Optimizing the use of contingent labor when demand is uncertain. European Journal of Operational Research 144(1): 39-55 (2003)
4EEPanos Constantopoulos, Fred C. Schweppe, Richard C. Larson: Estia: A real-time consumer control scheme for space conditioning usage under spot electricity pricing. Computers & OR 18(8): 751-765 (1991)
3EESamuel S. Chiu, Richard C. Larson: Locating an n-server facility in a stochastic environment. Computers & OR 12(6): 509-516 (1985)
2EERichard C. Larson, Evelyn A. Franck: Evaluating dispatching consequences of automatic vehicle location in emergency services. Computers & OR 5(1): 11-30 (1978)
1EERichard C. Larson: A hypercube queuing model for facility location and redistricting in urban emergency services. Computers & OR 1(1): 67-95 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Oded Berman [6]
2Samuel S. Chiu [3]
3Panos Constantopoulos [4]
4Evelyn A. Franck [2]
5Karima R. Nigmatulina [7]
6Edieal J. Pinker [5]
7Fred C. Schweppe [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)