
David Landsman

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13EEDavid L. Wheeler, Tanya Barrett, Dennis A. Benson, Stephen H. Bryant, Kathi Canese, Vyacheslav Chetvernin, Deanna M. Church, Michael DiCuccio, Ron Edgar, Scott Federhen, Michael Feolo, Lewis Y. Geer, Wolfgang Helmberg, Yuri Kapustin, Oleg Khovayko, David Landsman, David J. Lipman, Thomas L. Madden, Donna R. Maglott, Vadim Miller, James Ostell, Kim D. Pruitt, Gregory D. Schuler, Martin Shumway, Edwin Sequeira, Steven T. Sherry, Karl Sirotkin, Alexandre Souvorov, Grigory Starchenko, Roman L. Tatusov, Tatiana A. Tatusova, Lukas Wagner, Eugene Yaschenko: Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 13-21 (2008)
12EEDavid L. Wheeler, Tanya Barrett, Dennis A. Benson, Stephen H. Bryant, Kathi Canese, Vyacheslav Chetvernin, Deanna M. Church, Michael DiCuccio, Ron Edgar, Scott Federhen, Lewis Y. Geer, Yuri Kapustin, Oleg Khovayko, David Landsman, David J. Lipman, Thomas L. Madden, Donna R. Maglott, James Ostell, Vadim Miller, Kim D. Pruitt, Gregory D. Schuler, Edwin Sequeira, Steven T. Sherry, Karl Sirotkin, Alexandre Souvorov, Grigory Starchenko, Roman L. Tatusov, Tatiana A. Tatusova, Lukas Wagner, Eugene Yaschenko: Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 5-12 (2007)
11EEKannan Tharakaraman, Leonardo Mariño-Ramírez, Sergey Sheetlin, David Landsman, John L. Spouge: Alignments anchored on genomic landmarks can aid in the identification of regulatory elements. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 440-448
10 Steven A. Sullivan, Daniel W. Sink, Kenneth L. Trout, Izabela Makalowska, Patrick M. Taylor, Andreas D. Baxevanis, David Landsman: The Histone Database. Nucleic Acids Research 30(1): 341-342 (2002)
9 Steven A. Sullivan, L. Aravind, Izabela Makalowska, Andreas D. Baxevanis, David Landsman: The Histone Database: a comprehensive WWW resource for histones and histone fold-containing proteins. Nucleic Acids Research 28(1): 320-322 (2000)
8 Sonia M. Leach, Lawrence Hunter, David Landsman: Comparison of Clustering Metrics and Unsupervised Learning Algorithms on Genome-Wide Gene Expression Level Data. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 966
7EESharmila Banerjee-Basu, David Landsman, Andreas D. Baxevanis: Homology model building of prospero-type homeodomains. In Silico Biology 1: 15 (1999)
6EEAndrei E. Gabrielian, David Landsman, Alexander Bolshoy: Curved DNA in promoter sequences. In Silico Biology 1: 17 (1999)
5 Izabela Makalowska, Erik S. Ferlanti, Andreas D. Baxevanis, David Landsman: Histone Sequence Database: sequences, structures, post-translational modifications and genetic loci. Nucleic Acids Research 27(1): 323-324 (1999)
4EEAndreas D. Baxevanis, David Landsman: Homology model building of Hho1p supports its role as a yeast histone H1 protein. In Silico Biology 1: 2 (1998)
3 Andreas D. Baxevanis, David Landsman: Histone Sequence Database: new histone fold family members. Nucleic Acids Research 26(1): 372-375 (1998)
2 Andreas D. Baxevanis, David Landsman: Histone and histone fold sequences and structures: a database. Nucleic Acids Research 25(1): 272-273 (1997)
1 Andreas D. Baxevanis, David Landsman: Histone Sequence Database: a compilation of highly-conserved nucleoprotein sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 24(1): 245-247 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1L. Aravind [9]
2Sharmila Banerjee-Basu [7]
3Tanya Barrett [12] [13]
4Andreas D. Baxevanis [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [10]
5Dennis A. Benson [12] [13]
6Alexander Bolshoy [6]
7Stephen H. Bryant [12] [13]
8Kathi Canese [12] [13]
9Vyacheslav Chetvernin [12] [13]
10Deanna M. Church [12] [13]
11Michael DiCuccio [12] [13]
12Ron Edgar [12] [13]
13Scott Federhen [12] [13]
14Michael Feolo [13]
15Erik S. Ferlanti [5]
16Andrei E. Gabrielian [6]
17Lewis Y. Geer [12] [13]
18Wolfgang Helmberg [13]
19Lawrence Hunter [8]
20Yuri Kapustin [12] [13]
21Oleg Khovayko [12] [13]
22Sonia M. Leach [8]
23David J. Lipman [12] [13]
24Thomas L. Madden [12] [13]
25Donna R. Maglott [12] [13]
26Izabela Makalowska [5] [9] [10]
27Leonardo Mariño-Ramírez [11]
28Vadim Miller [12] [13]
29James Ostell [12] [13]
30Kim D. Pruitt [12] [13]
31Gregory D. Schuler [12] [13]
32Edwin Sequeira [12] [13]
33Sergey Sheetlin [11]
34Steven T. Sherry [12] [13]
35Martin Shumway [13]
36Daniel W. Sink [10]
37Karl Sirotkin [12] [13]
38Alexandre Souvorov [12] [13]
39John L. Spouge [11]
40Grigory Starchenko [12] [13]
41Steven A. Sullivan [9] [10]
42Roman L. Tatusov [12] [13]
43Tatiana A. Tatusova [12] [13]
44Patrick M. Taylor [10]
45Kannan Tharakaraman [11]
46Kenneth L. Trout [10]
47Lukas Wagner [12] [13]
48David L. Wheeler [12] [13]
49Eugene Yaschenko [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)