
D. V. Lande

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7EED. V. Lande, S. M. Braichevskii: Dynamics of thematic information flows CoRR abs/0805.4081: (2008)
6EED. V. Lande, S. M. Braichevskii, A. T. Darmokhval, A. A. Snarskii: Peculiarities of the Correlation between Local and Global News Popularity of Electronic Mass Media CoRR abs/0805.4085: (2008)
5EED. V. Lande: Model of information diffusion CoRR abs/0806.0283: (2008)
4EED. V. Lande, A. A. Snarskii: Dynamic Network of Concepts from Web-Publications CoRR abs/0806.1439: (2008)
3EED. V. Lande: Identification of information tonality based on Bayesian approach and neural networks CoRR abs/0806.2738: (2008)
2EED. V. Lande, V. V. Zhygalo: About the creation of a parallel bilingual corpora of web-publications CoRR abs/0807.0311: (2008)
1EED. V. Lande, A. A. Snarskii: On the role of autocorrelations in texts CoRR abs/0710.0225: (2007)

Coauthor Index

1S. M. Braichevskii [6] [7]
2A. T. Darmokhval [6]
3A. A. Snarskii [1] [4] [6]
4V. V. Zhygalo [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)