
Georg Lambert

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3EEGeorg Lambert, F. Bock: Wavelet methods for texture defect detection. ICIP (3) 1997: 201-204
2 Georg Lambert, Hua Gao, Karlheinz Hohm, Jörg Amelung: Linienmomente und Invarianten zur Echtzeitverarbeitung vektorisierter Konturen. DAGM-Symposium 1995: 570-577
1 Georg Lambert, Hua Gao: Line Moments and Invariants for Real Time Processing of Vectorized Contour Data. ICIAP 1995: 347-352

Coauthor Index

1Jörg Amelung [2]
2F. Bock [3]
3Hua Gao [1] [2]
4Karlheinz Hohm [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)