
William H. K. Lam

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7EEMei Lam Tam, William H. K. Lam: Real-Time Travel Time Estimation Using Automatic Vehicle Identification Data in Hong Kong. ICHIT 2006: 352-361
6EEZ. X. Wu, William H. K. Lam: Transit passenger origin-destination estimation in congested transit networks with elastic line frequencies. Annals OR 144(1): 363-378 (2006)
5EEM. H. Xu, William H. K. Lam, H. Shao, G. F. Luan: A heuristic algorithm for network equilibration. Applied Mathematics and Computation 174(1): 430-446 (2006)
4EEHai-Jun Huang, William H. K. Lam: A Stochastic Model for Combined Activity/Destination/Route Choice Problems. Annals OR 135(1): 111-125 (2005)
3 William H. K. Lam, Hai-Jun Huang: Editorial - Special Issue: Mathematical Modelling for Transport. J. Math. Model. Algorithms 2(4): 295-298 (2003)
2 William H. K. Lam, Z. X. Wu, K. S. Chan: Estimation of Transit Origin-Destination Matrices from Passenger Counts Using a Frequency-Based Approach. J. Math. Model. Algorithms 2(4): 329-348 (2003)
1 Hai-Jun Huang, William H. K. Lam: A Multi-Class Dynamic User Equilibrium Model for Queuing Networks with Advanced Traveler Information Systems. J. Math. Model. Algorithms 2(4): 349-377 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1K. S. Chan [2]
2Hai-Jun Huang [1] [3] [4]
3G. F. Luan [5]
4H. Shao [5]
5Mei Lam Tam [7]
6Z. X. Wu [2] [6]
7M. H. Xu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)