
Pauli Laitinen

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3EEEve E. Hoggan, Topi Kaaresoja, Pauli Laitinen, Stephen A. Brewster: Crossmodal congruence: the look, feel and sound of touchscreen widgets. ICMI 2008: 157-164
2EEEmilia Koskinen, Topi Kaaresoja, Pauli Laitinen: Feel-good touch: finding the most pleasant tactile feedback for a mobile touch screen button. ICMI 2008: 297-304
1EEVille Tikka, Pauli Laitinen: Designing Haptic Feedback for Touch Display: Experimental Study of Perceived Intensity and Integration of Haptic and Audio. HAID 2006: 36-44

Coauthor Index

1Stephen A. Brewster [3]
2Eve E. Hoggan [3]
3Topi Kaaresoja [2] [3]
4Emilia Koskinen [2]
5Ville Tikka [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)