
Philip D. Laird

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12 Philip D. Laird, Ronald Saul: Automated Feature Extraction for Supervised Learning. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 674-679
11 Philip D. Laird, Ronald Saul: Discrete Sequence Prediction and Its Applications. Machine Learning 15(1): 43-68 (1994)
10EEPhilip D. Laird, Ronald Saul, Peter Dunning: A Model of Sequence Extrapolation. COLT 1993: 84-93
9 Philip D. Laird, Ronald Saul: Sequence Extrapolation. IJCAI 1993: 1120-1127
8 Philip D. Laird: Discrete Sequence Prediction and its Applications. AAAI 1992: 135-140
7 Philip D. Laird, Evan Gamble: A `PAC' Algorithm for Making Feature Maps. Machine Learning 6: 145-160 (1991)
6 Philip D. Laird, Evan Gamble: Extending EBG to Term-Rewriting Systems. AAAI 1990: 929-935
5 Philip D. Laird, Evan Gamble: EBG and Term-Rewriting Systems. ALT 1990: 425-440
4EEPhilip D. Laird: Efficient Unsupervised Learning. COLT 1988: 297-311
3 Dana Angluin, Philip D. Laird: Learning From Noisy Examples. Machine Learning 2(4): 343-370 (1987)
2 Philip D. Laird: Inductive Inference by Refinement. AAAI 1986: 472-476
1 Philip D. Laird: Comment on: "An Optimal Evaluation of Boolean Expressions in an Online Query System". Commun. ACM 22(10): 549-550 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Dana Angluin [3]
2Peter Dunning [10]
3Evan Gamble [5] [6] [7]
4Ronald Saul [9] [10] [11] [12]

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