
Ming-Jun Lai

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18EEMing-Jun Lai: The convergence of three L1 spline methods for scattered data interpolation and fitting. Journal of Approximation Theory 145(2): 196-211 (2007)
17EEMing-Jun Lai: Construction of multivariate compactly supported orthonormal wavelets. Adv. Comput. Math. 25(1-3): 41-56 (2006)
16EEMing-Jun Lai, Alain Le Méhauté, Tatyana Sorokina: An octahedral C2 macro-element. Computer Aided Geometric Design 23(8): 640-654 (2006)
15EEJeffrey S. Geronimo, Ming-Jun Lai: Factorization of multivariate positive Laurent polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory 139(1-2): 327-345 (2006)
14EEMing-Jun Lai: Construction of multivariate compactly supported prewavelets in L2 space and pre-Riesz bases in Sobolev spaces. Journal of Approximation Theory 142(2): 83-115 (2006)
13EEMing-Jun Lai, Alain Le Méhauté: A New Kind of Trivariate C1 Macro-element. Adv. Comput. Math. 21(3-4): 273-292 (2004)
12EEMing-Jun Lai, Paul Wenston: L1 Spline Methods for Scattered Data Interpolation and Approximation. Adv. Comput. Math. 21(3-4): 293-315 (2004)
11EEXinghua Wang, Ming-Jun Lai, Shijun Yang: On the divided differences of the remainder in polynomial interpolation. Journal of Approximation Theory 127(2): 193-197 (2004)
10EEWenjie He, Ming-Jun Lai: Construction of trivariate compactly supported biorthogonal box spline wavelets. Journal of Approximation Theory 120(1): 1-19 (2003)
9 Ming-Jun Lai, Larry L. Schumaker: Macro-elements and stable local bases for splines on Powell-Sabin triangulations. Math. Comput. 72(241): 335-354 (2003)
8EECharles K. Chui, Ming-Jun Lai: Filling polygonal holes using C1 cubic triangular spline patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 17(4): 297-307 (2000)
7EEWenjie He, Ming-Jun Lai: Examples of bivariate nonseparable compactly supported orthonormal continuous wavelets. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(5): 949-953 (2000)
6EEMing-Jun Lai, Larry L. Schumaker: On the approximation power of bivariate splines. Adv. Comput. Math. 9(3-4): 251-279 (1998)
5EEMing-Jun Lai: Geometric interpretation of smoothness conditions of triangular polynomial patches. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(2): 191-199 (1997)
4EEMing-Jun Lai: Scattered data interpolation and approximation using bivariate C1 piecewise cubic polynomials. Computer Aided Geometric Design 13(1): 81-88 (1996)
3EEMing-Jun Lai: Approximation order from bivariate C1-cubics on a four-directional mesh is full. Computer Aided Geometric Design 11(2): 215-223 (1994)
2EECharles K. Chui, Ming-Jun Lai: Algorithms for generating B-nets and graphically displaying spline surfaces on three- and four-directional meshes. Computer Aided Geometric Design 8(6): 479-493 (1991)
1EEMing-Jun Lai: A characterization theorem of multivariate splines in blossoming form. Computer Aided Geometric Design 8(6): 513-521 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Charles K. Chui [2] [8]
2Jeffrey S. Geronimo [15]
3Wenjie He [7] [10]
4Alain Le Méhauté [13] [16]
5Larry L. Schumaker [6] [9]
6Tatyana Sorokina [16]
7Xinghua Wang [11]
8Paul Wenston [12]
9Shijun Yang [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)