
Arijit Laha

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13EEArijit Laha: RAP: a conceptual business intelligence framework. Bangalore Compute Conf. 2008: 23
12EEArijit Laha, Bhabatosh Chanda, Nikhil R. Pal: Fast codebook searching in a SOM-based vector quantizer for image compression. Signal, Image and Video Processing 2(1): 39-49 (2008)
11EET. Maruthi Padmaja, Narendra Dhulipalla, P. Radha Krishna, Raju S. Bapi, Arijit Laha: An Unbalanced Data Classification Model Using Hybrid Sampling Technique for Fraud Detection. PReMI 2007: 341-348
10EEArijit Laha: Building contextual classifiers by integrating fuzzy rule based classification technique and k-nn method for credit scoring. Advanced Engineering Informatics 21(3): 281-291 (2007)
9EEArijit Laha, Bhabatosh Chanda, Nikhil R. Pal: Accelerated codebook searching in a SOM-based Vector Quantizer. IJCNN 2006: 3306-3311
8EEPradeep Kumar, M. Venkateswara Rao, P. Radha Krishna, Raju S. Bapi, Arijit Laha: Intrusion Detection System Using Sequence and Set Preserving Metric. ISI 2005: 498-504
7EEArijit Laha, Amitava Sen, Bhabani P. Sinha: Parallel algorithms for identifying convex and non-convex basis polygons in an image. Parallel Computing 31(3-4): 290-310 (2005)
6EEArijit Laha: Detecting Topology Preserving Feature Subset with SOM. CIT 2004: 40-48
5EEArijit Laha: An Empirical Study on the Robustness of SOM in Preserving Topology with Respect to Link Density. ICONIP 2004: 142-149
4EEArijit Laha, Nikhil R. Pal, Bhabatosh Chanda: Design of vector quantizer for image compression using self-organizing feature map and surface fitting. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(10): 1291-1303 (2004)
3EEArijit Laha, Amitava Sen, Bhabani P. Sinha: Parallel Algorithms for Identification of Basis Polygons in an Image. HiPC 2002: 302-312
2 Arijit Laha, Nikhil R. Pal: Some novel classifiers designed using prototypes extracted by a new scheme based on self-organizing feature map. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 31(6): 881-890 (2001)
1EEArijit Laha, Nikhil R. Pal: Dynamic generation of prototypes with self-organizing feature maps for classifier design. Pattern Recognition 34(2): 315-321 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Raju S. Bapi [8] [11]
2Bhabatosh Chanda [4] [9] [12]
3Narendra Dhulipalla [11]
4P. Radha Krishna [8] [11]
5Pradeep Kumar [8]
6T. Maruthi Padmaja [11]
7Nikhil R. Pal [1] [2] [4] [9] [12]
8M. Venkateswara Rao [8]
9Amitava Sen [3] [7]
10Bhabani P. Sinha [3] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)