
Guillermo López Lagomasino

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9EED. Barrios Rolanía, Guillermo López Lagomasino: Asymptotic behavior of solutions of general three term recurrence relations. Adv. Comput. Math. 26(1-3): 9-37 (2007)
8EED. Barrios Rolanía, Bernardo de la Calle Ysern, Guillermo López Lagomasino: Ratio and relative asymptotics of polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying Denisov-type measures. Journal of Approximation Theory 139(1-2): 223-256 (2006)
7EEA. I. Aptekarev, V. Kalyagin, Guillermo López Lagomasino, I. A. Rocha: On the limit behavior of recurrence coefficients for multiple orthogonal polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory 139(1-2): 346-370 (2006)
6EEGuillermo López Lagomasino, F. Marcellán Español, H. Pijeira Cabrera: Logarithmic asymptotics of contracted Sobolev extremal polynomials on the real line. Journal of Approximation Theory 143(1): 62-73 (2006)
5EEGuillermo López Lagomasino, I. Pérez Izquierdo, H. Pijeira Cabrera: Asymptotic of extremal polynomials in the complex plane. Journal of Approximation Theory 137(2): 226-237 (2005)
4EEU. Fidalgo Prieto, J. Illán, Guillermo López Lagomasino: Hermite-Pade' approximation and simultaneous quadrature formulas. Journal of Approximation Theory 126(2): 171-197 (2004)
3EEAmílcar José Pinto Lopes Branquinho, Jorge Bustamante, Ana Pilar Foulquié Moreno, Guillermo López Lagomasino: Normal indices in Nikishin systems. Journal of Approximation Theory 124(2): 254-262 (2003)
2EEDolores Barrios, Guillermo López Lagomasino, Edward B. Saff: Determining radii of meromorphy via orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Journal of Approximation Theory 124(2): 263-281 (2003)
1EEBernardo de la Calle Ysern, Guillermo López Lagomasino: Convergence of Multipoint Padé-type Approximants. Journal of Approximation Theory 109(2): 257-278 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1A. I. Aptekarev [7]
2Dolores Barrios [2]
3Amílcar José Pinto Lopes Branquinho [3]
4Jorge Bustamante [3]
5H. Pijeira Cabrera [5] [6]
6F. Marcellán Español [6]
7J. Illán [4]
8I. Pérez Izquierdo [5]
9V. Kalyagin [7]
10Ana Pilar Foulquié Moreno [3]
11U. Fidalgo Prieto [4]
12I. A. Rocha [7]
13D. Barrios Rolanía [8] [9]
14Edward B. Saff [2]
15Bernardo de la Calle Ysern [1] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)