
Benjamin J. Lafreniere

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5EEPeter Brass, Ferran Hurtado, Benjamin J. Lafreniere, Anna Lubiw: A Lower Bound on the Area of a 3-Coloured Disk Packing CoRR abs/0804.1173: (2008)
4EEAngela C. Sodan, Garima Gupta, Lin Han, Lun Liu, Benjamin J. Lafreniere: Time and space adaptation for computational grids with the ATOP-Grid middleware. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(6): 561-581 (2008)
3 Peter Brass, Ferran Hurtado, Benjamin J. Lafreniere, Anna Lubiw: A Lower Bound on the Area of a 3-Coloured Disc Packing. CCCG 2007: 101-104
2EEAsish Mukhopadhyay, Samidh Chatterjee, Benjamin J. Lafreniere: On the All-Farthest-Segments problem for a planar set of points. Inf. Process. Lett. 100(3): 120-123 (2006)
1EEBenjamin J. Lafreniere, Angela C. Sodan: ScoPred-Scalable User-Directed Performance Prediction Using Complexity Modeling and Historical Data. JSSPP 2005: 62-90

Coauthor Index

1Peter Braß (Peter Brass) [3] [5]
2Samidh Chatterjee [2]
3Garima Gupta [4]
4Lin Han [4]
5Ferran Hurtado [3] [5]
6Lun Liu [4]
7Anna Lubiw [3] [5]
8Asish Mukhopadhyay [2]
9Angela C. Sodan (Angela Sodan) [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)