
François Laborie

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3EERomain Perron, François Laborie: Augmented Tabletops, an Incentive for Distributed Collaboration. Tabletop 2006: 135-142
2EEFrançois Laborie, David Jacquemond, Matthieu Echalier: Cooperation in Highly Distributed Design Processes: Observation of Design Sessions Dynamics. CDVE 2005: 42-51
1EEFrançois Laborie, Stéphane Chatty, Claude Reyterou: Coordination and Collaboration Environments for Production Lines: a User Acceptance Issue. ECSCW 2005: 407-426

Coauthor Index

1Stéphane Chatty [1]
2Matthieu Echalier [2]
3David Jacquemond [2]
4Romain Perron [3]
5Claude Reyterou [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)