2008 |
5 | EE | Alexandre Labadié,
Violaine Prince:
Finding Text Boundaries and Finding Topic Boundaries: Two Different Tasks?.
GoTAL 2008: 260-271 |
4 | EE | Alexandre Labadié,
Violaine Prince:
Lexical and Semantic Methods in Inner Text Topic Segmentation: A Comparison between C99 and Transeg.
NLDB 2008: 347-349 |
3 | | Alexandre Labadié,
Violaine Prince:
Intended Boundaries detection in Topic Change Tracking for Text Segmentation.
NLPCS 2008: 13-21 |
2007 |
2 | | Alexandre Labadié,
Jacques Chauché:
Segmentation thématique par calcul de distance thématique.
EGC 2007: 355-366 |
1 | EE | Violaine Prince,
Alexandre Labadié:
Text Segmentation Based on Document Understanding for Information Retrieval.
NLDB 2007: 295-304 |