
Thomas Lütteke

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4EEThomas Lütteke, Martin Frank, Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth: Carbohydrate Structure Suite (CSS): analysis of carbohydrate 3D structures derived from the PDB. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 242-246 (2005)
3 Thomas Götz, Andreas Bohne-Lang, Martin Frank, Klaus Karl Lohmann, Alexander Loß, Thomas Lütteke, Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth: glycosciences.de: An Internet Portal for Glyco-related Data from Open Access Resources. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2004: 115-120
2EEThomas Lütteke, Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth: pdb-care (PDB CArbohydrate REsidue check): a program to support annotation of complex carbohydrate structures in PDB files. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 69 (2004)
1 Thomas Lütteke, Peter Krieg, Gerhard Fürstenberger, Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth: LOX-DB - a database on lipoxygenases. Bioinformatics 19(18): 2482-2483 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Bohne-Lang [3]
2Martin Frank [3] [4]
3Gerhard Fürstenberger [1]
4Thomas Götz [3]
5Peter Krieg [1]
6Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth [1] [2] [3] [4]
7Klaus Karl Lohmann [3]
8Alexander Loß [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)