
Johannes Lüthi

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13EETobias Kiesling, Johannes Lüthi: Towards Time-Parallel Road Traffic Simulation. PADS 2005: 7-15
12EETobias Kiesling, Johannes Lüthi, Rachid El Abdouni Khayari: Bias in parallel and distributed simulation systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 384-393
11EEJohannes Lüthi, Steffen Großmann: FT-RSS: A Flexible Framework for Fault Tolerant HLA Federations. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 865-872
10 Johannes Lüthi, Catalina M. Lladó: Splitting techniques for interval parameters and their application to performance models. Perform. Eval. 51(1): 47-74 (2003)
9EECatalina M. Lladó, Johannes Lüthi, Peter G. Harrison: Studying Sensitivities of an EJB Performance Model. MASCOTS 2002: 277-280
8 Annette Schreiber, Johannes Lüthi: A Simulation Framework for the Performance Evaluation of Cache Hierarchies. MMB 2001: 73-88
7EEShikharesh Majumdar, Johannes Lüthi, Günter Haring, Revathy Ramadoss: Characterization and Analysis of Software and Computer Systems with Uncertainties and Variabilities. Performance Engineering 2001: 202-221
6EEJohannes Lüthi, Catalina M. Lladó: Interval parameters for capturing uncertainties in an EJB performance model. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2001: 291-300
5EEJohannes Lüthi, Steffen Großmann: The resource sharing system: dynamic federate mapping for HLA-based distributed simulation. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 2001: 91-98
4 Johannes Lüthi, Clemens Berchtold: Concepts for dependable distributed discrete event simulation. ESM 2000: 59-66
3 Johannes Lüthi, Günter Haring: Mean Value Analysis for Queueing Network Models with Intervals as Input Parameters. Perform. Eval. 32(3): 185-215 (1998)
2 Johannes Lüthi, Shikharesh Majumdar, Gabriele Kotsis, Günter Haring: Performance Bounds for Distributed Systems with Workload Variabilities and Uncertainties. Parallel Computing 22(13): 1789-1806 (1997)
1EEAlois Ferscha, Johannes Lüthi: Estimating rollback overhead for optimism control in Time Warp. Annual Simulation Symposium 1995: 2-12

Coauthor Index

1Clemens Berchtold [4]
2Alois Ferscha [1]
3Steffen Großmann [5] [11]
4Günter Haring [2] [3] [7]
5Peter G. Harrison [9]
6Rachid El Abdouni Khayari [12]
7Tobias Kiesling [12] [13]
8Gabriele Kotsis [2]
9Catalina M. Lladó [6] [9] [10]
10Shikharesh Majumdar [2] [7]
11Revathy Ramadoss [7]
12Annette Schreiber [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)