
Hans-Dieter Lüke

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4EEHans-Dieter Lüke: Cubical binary arrays with perfect odd-periodic autocorrelation. Signal Processing 84(1): 125-132 (2004)
3 Hans-Dieter Lüke, H. D. Schotten, Hafez Hadinejad-Mahram: Binary and quadriphase sequences with optimal autocorrelation properties: a survey. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(12): 3271-3282 (2003)
2 Hans-Dieter Lüke: Almost-perfect quadriphase sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(6): 2607-2608 (2001)
1 Markus Antweiler, Leopold Bömer, Hans-Dieter Lüke: Perfect ternary arrays. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(3): 696- (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Markus Antweiler [1]
2Leopold Bömer [1]
3Hafez Hadinejad-Mahram [3]
4H. D. Schotten [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)