
Junliang Lü

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5EEDahe Feng, Jibin Li, Junliang Lü, Tianlan He: New explicit and exact solutions for a system of variant RLW equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 198(2): 715-720 (2008)
4EEDahe Feng, Tianlan He, Junliang Lü: Bifurcations of travelling wave solutions for (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq-type equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 185(1): 402-414 (2007)
3EEDahe Feng, Junliang Lü, Jibin Li, Tianlan He: Bifurcation studies on travelling wave solutions for nonlinear intensity Klein-Gordon equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(1): 271-284 (2007)
2EEJunliang Lü, Tianlan He, Dahe Feng: Persistence of travelling waves for a coupled nonlinear wave system. Applied Mathematics and Computation 191(2): 347-352 (2007)
1EEDahe Feng, Jibin Li, Junliang Lü, Tianlan He: The improved Fan sub-equation method and its application to the Boussinseq wave equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 194(2): 309-320 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Dahe Feng [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Tianlan He [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Jibin Li [1] [3] [5]

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