
Miguel A. López-Carmona

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11EEIvan Marsá-Maestre, Miguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco, Bernardo Alarcos: Using Expressive Dialogues and Gradient Information to Improve Trade-Offs in Bilateral Negotiations. EC-Web 2008: 71-80
10EEIvan Marsá-Maestre, Miguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco: Improving Trade-Offs in Bilateral Negotiations under Complete and Incomplete Information Settings. PRIMA 2008: 275-286
9EEIvan Marsá-Maestre, Miguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco, Andrés Navarro: Mobile Agents for Service Personalization in Smart Environments. JNW 3(5): 30-41 (2008)
8EEIvan Marsá-Maestre, Miguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco: A hierarchical, agent-based service oriented architecture for smart environments. Service Oriented Computing and Applications 2(4): 167-185 (2008)
7EEIvan Marsá-Maestre, Miguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco, Alvaro Paricio: Mobile Devices for Personal Smart Spaces. AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 623-628
6EEMiguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco, Ivan Marsá-Maestre: The Agents' Attitudes in Fuzzy Constraint Based Automated Purchase Negotiations. CEEMAS 2007: 246-255
5EEMiguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco, Ivan Marsá-Maestre: Clustering Techniques in Automated Purchase Negotiations. CEEMAS 2007: 310-312
4EEMiguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco: An expressive approach to fuzzy constraint based agent purchase negotiation. AAMAS 2006: 429-431
3EEMiguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco, Bernardo Alarcos: Automated Purchase Negotiations in a Dynac Electronic Marketplace. ICUC 2006
2EEMiguel A. López-Carmona, Juan R. Velasco: A Fuzzy Constraint Based Model for Automated Purchase Negotiations. TADA/AMEC 2006: 234-247
1 Juan R. Velasco, Ivan Marsá-Maestre, Andrés Navarro, Miguel A. López-Carmona, Antonio J. Vicente, Enrique de la Hoz, Alvaro Paricio, Miriam Machuca: Location-Aware Services and Interfaces in Smart Homes Using Multiagent Systems. PSC 2005: 104-110

Coauthor Index

1Bernardo Alarcos [3] [11]
2Enrique de la Hoz [1]
3Miriam Machuca [1]
4Ivan Marsá-Maestre [1] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
5Andrés Navarro [1] [9]
6Alvaro Paricio [1] [7]
7Juan R. Velasco [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
8Antonio J. Vicente [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)