
Christophe Léger

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3EEVincent Guillet, Guy Lamarque, Philippe Ravier, Christophe Léger: Improving the Power Line Communication Signal-to-Noise Ratio During a Resistive Load Commutation. JCM 4(2): 126-132 (2009)
2EESmaïl Akkoul, Roger Lédée, Remy Leconge, Christophe Léger, Rachid Harba, Sabrina Pesnel, Stéphanie Lerondel, Alain Lepape, Luis Vilcahuaman: Comparison of Image Restoration Methods for Bioluminescence Imaging. ICISP 2008: 163-172
1EEAhmad Almhdie, Christophe Léger, Mohamed Deriche, Roger Lédée: 3D registration using a new implementation of the ICP algorithm based on a comprehensive lookup matrix: Application to medical imaging. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(12): 1523-1533 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Smaïl Akkoul [2]
2Ahmad Almhdie [1]
3Mohamed Deriche [1]
4Vincent Guillet [3]
5Rachid Harba [2]
6Guy Lamarque [3]
7Remy Leconge [2]
8Roger Lédée [1] [2]
9Alain Lepape [2]
10Stéphanie Lerondel [2]
11Sabrina Pesnel [2]
12Philippe Ravier [3]
13Luis Vilcahuaman [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)