
Youngmi Kwon

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5EEOtgonchimeg Buyanjargal, Jin Tae Kim, Seung Yong Lee, Youngmi Kwon: Performance Improvement of Grid Web Services based on Multi Homing Transport Layer. CIT 2006: 68
4EEHyojung Lee, Wonpil Yu, Youngmi Kwon: Efficient RBS in Sensor Networks. ITNG 2006: 279-284
3EEMin Wook Kil, Seung Kyeom Kim, Geuk Lee, Youngmi Kwon: A Development of Intrusion Detection and Protection System Using Netfilter Framework. RSFDGrC (2) 2005: 520-529
2EEYoungmi Kwon, Hui Jae Lee, Geuk Lee: A Vulnerability Assessment Tool Based on OVAL in Linux System. NPC 2004: 653-660
1EEMin Wook Kil, Sijung Kim, Youngmi Kwon, Geuk Lee: Network Intrusion Protection System Using Rule-Based DB and RBAC Policy. NPC 2004: 670-675

Coauthor Index

1Otgonchimeg Buyanjargal [5]
2Min Wook Kil [1] [3]
3Jin Tae Kim [5]
4Seung Kyeom Kim [3]
5Sijung Kim [1]
6Geuk Lee [1] [2] [3]
7Hui Jae Lee [2]
8Hyojung Lee [4]
9Seung Yong Lee [5]
10Wonpil Yu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)