
Ohin Kwon

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5EESuk Ho Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Chunjae Park, Byung Il Lee, Eung Je Woo, Soo Yeol Lee, Ohin Kwon, J. Hahn: Conductivity image reconstruction from defective data in MREIT: numerical Simulation and animal experiment. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 25(2): 168-176 (2006)
4EEChunjae Park, Ohin Kwon, Eung Je Woo, Jin Keun Seo: Electrical conductivity imaging using gradient B/sub z/ decomposition algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT). IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(3): 388-394 (2004)
3EEHabib Ammari, Ohin Kwon, Jin Keun Seo, Eung Je Woo: T-Scan Electrical Impedance Imaging System for Anomaly Detection. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 65(1): 252-266 (2004)
2 Hyan Soo Khang, Byung Il Lee, Suk Hoon Oh, Eung Je Woo, Soo Yeol Lee, Min Hyoung Cho, Ohin Kwon, Jeong-Rock Yoon, Jin Keun Seo: J-Substitution Algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT): Phantom Experiments for Static Resistivity Images. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(6): 695-702 (2002)
1EEJin Keun Seo, Ohin Kwon, Sungwhan Kim: Location Search Techniques for a Grounded Conductor. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 62(4): 1383-1393 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Habib Ammari [3]
2Min Hyoung Cho [2]
3J. Hahn [5]
4Hyan Soo Khang [2]
5Sungwhan Kim [1]
6Byung Il Lee [2] [5]
7Soo Yeol Lee [2] [5]
8Suk Ho Lee [5]
9Suk Hoon Oh [2]
10Chunjae Park [4] [5]
11Jin Keun Seo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
12Eung Je Woo [2] [3] [4] [5]
13Jeong-Rock Yoon [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)