
Alexandr M. Kuzminskiy

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6EEAlexandr M. Kuzminskiy, Hamid Reza Karimi: Cross-Layer Design of Uplink Multiple-Antenna Interference Cancellation for WLAN with CSMA/CA in Open Access Networks. ICC 2007: 2568-2573
5EEAlexandr M. Kuzminskiy: Downlink beamforming subject to the equivalent isotropic radiated power constraint in WLAN OFDM systems. Signal Processing 87(5): 991-1002 (2007)
4EEAlexandr M. Kuzminskiy, Yuri I. Abramovich: Second-order asynchronous interference cancellation: Regularized semi-blind technique and non-asymptotic maximum likelihood benchmark. Signal Processing 86(12): 3849-3863 (2006)
3EEAlexandr M. Kuzminskiy, Hamid Reza Karimi, Dennis R. Morgan, Constantinos B. Papadias, Dan Avidor, Jonathan Ling: Downlink throughput enhancement of IEEE 802.11a/g using SDMA with a multi-antenna access point. Signal Processing 86(8): 1896-1910 (2006)
2EEAlexandr M. Kuzminskiy: Finite amount of data effects in spatio-temporal filtering for equalization and interference rejection in short burst wireless communications. Signal Processing 80(10): 1987-1997 (2000)
1EEAlexandr M. Kuzminskiy, Dimitrios Hatzinakos: Semi-blind spatio-temporal processing with temporal scanning for short burst SDMA systems. Signal Processing 80(10): 2063-2073 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Yuri I. Abramovich [4]
2Dan Avidor [3]
3Dimitrios Hatzinakos [1]
4Hamid Reza Karimi [3] [6]
5Jonathan Ling [3]
6Dennis R. Morgan [3]
7Constantinos B. Papadias [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)