1997 |
18 | EE | Louise E. Moser,
Y. S. Ramakrishna,
G. Kutty,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Laura K. Dillon:
A Graphical Environment for the Design of Concurrent Real-Time Systems.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 6(1): 31-79 (1997) |
1996 |
17 | | Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Y. S. Ramakrishna,
G. Kutty,
Laura K. Dillon:
The Real-Time Graphical Interval Logic Toolset.
CAV 1996: 446-449 |
16 | | Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Y. S. Ramakrishna,
G. Kutty,
Laura K. Dillon:
Automated Deduction in a Graphical Temporal Logic.
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 6(1): (1996) |
15 | EE | Y. S. Ramakrishna,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Louise E. Moser,
Laura K. Dillon,
G. Kutty:
Interval Logics and Their Decision Procedures, Part I: An Interval Logic.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 166(1&2): 1-47 (1996) |
14 | EE | Y. S. Ramakrishna,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Louise E. Moser,
Laura K. Dillon,
G. Kutty:
Interval Logics and Their Decision Procedures. Part II: A Real-Time Interval Logic.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 170(1-2): 1-46 (1996) |
1995 |
13 | | G. Kutty,
Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Y. S. Ramakrishna,
Laura K. Dillon:
Axiomatizations of Interval Logics.
Fundam. Inform. 24(4): 313-331 (1995) |
1994 |
12 | EE | G. Kutty,
Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Y. S. Ramakrishna:
A Graphical Methodology for Concurrent System Design.
ACM Conference on Computer Science 1994: 52-59 |
11 | | G. Kutty,
Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Laura K. Dillon,
Y. S. Ramakrishna:
First-Order Future Interval Logic.
ICTL 1994: 195-209 |
10 | | P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Louise E. Moser,
Y. S. Ramakrishna,
G. Kutty,
Laura K. Dillon:
A System for Automated Deduction in Graphical Interval Logic.
ICTL 1994: 540-542 |
9 | EE | Laura K. Dillon,
G. Kutty,
Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Y. S. Ramakrishna:
A Graphical Interval Logic for Specifying Concurrent Systems.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 3(2): 131-165 (1994) |
8 | | Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
G. Kutty,
Y. S. Ramakrishna:
Completeness and Soundness of Axiomatizations for Temporal Logics. Without Next.
Fundam. Inform. 21(4): 257-305 (1994) |
7 | | Laura K. Dillon,
G. Kutty,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Louise E. Moser,
Y. S. Ramakrishna:
Visual Specifications for Temporal Reasoning.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 5(1): 61-81 (1994) |
1993 |
6 | | G. Kutty,
Y. S. Ramakrishna,
Louise E. Moser,
Laura K. Dillon,
P. M. Melliar-Smith:
A Graphical Interval Logic Toolset for Verifying Concurrent Systems.
CAV 1993: 138-153 |
5 | | Y. S. Ramakrishna,
Laura K. Dillon,
Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
G. Kutty:
A Real-Time Interval Logic and Its Decision Procedure.
FSTTCS 1993: 173-192 |
4 | | G. Kutty,
Laura K. Dillon,
Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Y. S. Ramakrishna:
Visual Tools for Temporal Reasoning.
VL 1993: 152-159 |
1992 |
3 | | Y. S. Ramakrishna,
Laura K. Dillon,
Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
G. Kutty:
An Automata-Theoretic Decision Procedure for Future Interval Logic.
FSTTCS 1992: 51-67 |
2 | EE | Laura K. Dillon,
G. Kutty,
Louise E. Moser,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
Y. S. Ramakrishna:
Graphical Specifications for Concurrent Software Systems.
ICSE 1992: 214-224 |
1 | | Y. S. Ramakrishna,
Louise E. Moser,
Laura K. Dillon,
P. M. Melliar-Smith,
G. Kutty:
An automata-theoretic decision procedure for propositional temporal logic with since and until.
Fundam. Inform. 17(3): 271-282 (1992) |