
Alexander Kurz

University of Leicester, UK

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33EEClemens Kupke, Alexander Kurz, Yde Venema: Completeness of the finitary Moss logic. Advances in Modal Logic 2008: 193-217
32EEAlexander Kurz, Daniela Petrisan: Functorial Coalgebraic Logic: The Case of Many-sorted Varieties. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 203(5): 175-194 (2008)
31EENick Bezhanishvili, Alexander Kurz: Free Modal Algebras: A Coalgebraic Perspective. CALCO 2007: 143-157
30EENeil Ghani, Alexander Kurz: Higher Dimensional Trees, Algebraically. CALCO 2007: 226-241
29EEAlexander Kurz, Jirí Rosický: The Goldblatt-Thomason Theorem for Coalgebras. CALCO 2007: 342-355
28EEMarcello M. Bonsangue, Alexander Kurz: Pi-Calculus in Logical Form. LICS 2007: 303-312
27EEMarcello M. Bonsangue, Alexander Kurz: Presenting Functors by Operations and Equations. FoSSaCS 2006: 172-186
26EEAlexander Kurz: Logic Column 15: Coalgebras and Their Logics CoRR abs/cs/0605128: (2006)
25EEAlexander Kurz: Coalgebras and their logics. SIGACT News 37(2): 57-77 (2006)
24EEClemens Kupke, Alexander Kurz, Dirk Pattinson: Ultrafilter Extensions for Coalgebras. CALCO 2005: 263-277
23EEMarcello M. Bonsangue, Alexander Kurz: Duality for Logics of Transition Systems. FoSSaCS 2005: 455-469
22EEAlexander Kurz, Jirí Rosický: Weak Factorizations, Fractions and Homotopies. Applied Categorical Structures 13(2): 141-160 (2005)
21EEAlexander Kurz, Jirí Rosický: Operations and equations for coalgebras. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 15(1): 149-166 (2005)
20EEAlexander Kurz, Dirk Pattinson: Coalgebraic modal logic of finite rank. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 15(3): 453-473 (2005)
19EEThomas T. Hildebrandt, Alexander Kurz: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 100: 3- (2004)
18EEClemens Kupke, Alexander Kurz, Dirk Pattinson: Algebraic Semantics for Coalgebraic Logics. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 106: 219-241 (2004)
17EEAlexander Kurz, Alessandra Palmigiano: Coalgebras and Modal Expansions of Logics. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 106: 243-259 (2004)
16EEClemens Kupke, Alexander Kurz, Yde Venema: Stone coalgebras. Theor. Comput. Sci. 327(1-2): 109-134 (2004)
15EEClemens Kupke, Alexander Kurz, Yde Venema: Stone Coalgebras. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(1): (2003)
14EEMichel Bidoit, Rolf Hennicker, Alexander Kurz: Observational logic, constructor-based logic, and their duality. Theor. Comput. Sci. 3(298): 471-510 (2003)
13EEAlexander Kurz: Logics Admitting Final Semantics. FoSSaCS 2002: 238-249
12EEAlexander Kurz: Notions of Behaviour and Reachable-Part and Their Institutions. WADT 2002: 312-327
11EEAlexander Kurz, Dirk Pattinson: Definability, Canonical Models, and Compactness for Finitary Coalgebraic Modal Logic. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(1): (2002)
10EEAlexander Kurz, Jirí Rosický: Modal Predicates and Co-equations. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 65(1): (2002)
9EEAlexander Kurz: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 68(1): (2002)
8EEAlexander Kurz, Rolf Hennicker: On institutions for modular coalgebraic specifications. Theor. Comput. Sci. 280(1-2): 69-103 (2002)
7EEMichel Bidoit, Rolf Hennicker, Alexander Kurz: On the Duality between Observability and Reachability. FoSSaCS 2001: 72-87
6EEAlexander Kurz: Modal Rules are Co-Implications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 44(1): (2001)
5EEAlexander Kurz: Specifying coalgebras with modal logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 260(1-2): 119-138 (2001)
4EEAlexander Kurz, Dirk Pattinson: Notes on Coalgebras, Cofibrations and Concurrency. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 33: (2000)
3EERolf Hennicker, Alexander Kurz: (Omega, Xi)-Logic: On the Algebraic Extension of Coalgebraic Specifications. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 19: (1999)
2 Alexander Kurz: A Co-Variety-Theorem for Modal Logic. Advances in Modal Logic 1998: 367-380
1EEAlexander Kurz: Specifying Coalgebras with Modal Logic. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 11: (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Nick Bezhanishvili [31]
2Michel Bidoit [7] [14]
3Marcello M. Bonsangue [23] [27] [28]
4Neil Ghani [30]
5Rolf Hennicker [3] [7] [8] [14]
6Thomas T. Hildebrandt [19]
7Clemens Kupke [15] [16] [18] [24] [33]
8Alessandra Palmigiano [17]
9Dirk Pattinson [4] [11] [18] [20] [24]
10Daniela Petrisan [32]
11Jirí Rosický [10] [21] [22] [29]
12Yde Venema [15] [16] [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)