
Werner Kurschl

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10 Werner Kurschl, Wolfgang Gottesheim, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop, Johannes Schönböck: Automatic Position Determination of Fixed Infrastructure Sensor Network Nodes based on Topology Sensing and Maps. ICWN 2008: 17-22
9EEWerner Kurschl, Wolfgang Gottesheim, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop, Johannes Schönböck, Wolfgang Beer: A Two-Layered Deployment Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network based Location Tracking. ITNG 2008: 726-730
8EEWerner Kurschl, Stefan Mitsch, Johannes Schönböck, Wolfgang Beer: Modeling wireless sensor networks based context-aware emergency coordination systems. iiWAS 2008: 117-122
7EEWerner Kurschl, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop, Johannes Schönböck: Gulliver-A Framework for Building Smart Speech-Based Applications. HICSS 2007: 30
6 Werner Kurschl, Wolfgang Gottesheim, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop, Johannes Schönböck: Evaluation of a Mobile Multimodal Application Design - Major Usability Criteria and Usability Test Results. ICMB 2007: 68
5 Werner Kurschl, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop, Johannes Schönböck: Development issues for speech-enabled mobile applications. Software Engineering 2007: 157-168
4EEWerner Kurschl, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop: SmartDOTS - A Framework for Efficient Data Synchronization on Mobile Devices. ITNG 2006: 300-305
3EEWerner Kurschl, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop: SelectiveDES: A Distributed Event Service Add-On for Invocation-Based Middleware supporting Selective Multi-Channel Communication and Notification Delivery. ITNG 2006: 328-333
2 Werner Kurschl, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop: MobileWork Clearance Management - Challenges and Solutions. MMS 2006: 9-20
1EEWerner Kurschl, Stefan Schmid, Christian Domscha: MOSES - A Mobile Safety System for Work Clearance Processes. ICMB 2005: 166-172

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang Beer [8] [9]
2Christian Domscha [1]
3Wolfgang Gottesheim [6] [9] [10]
4Stefan Mitsch [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
5Rene Prokop [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10]
6Stefan Schmid [1]
7Johannes Schönböck [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)