
Donny Kurniawan

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6EEDonny Kurniawan, David Abramson: An IDE framework for grid application development. GRID 2008: 184-191
5EEDonny Kurniawan, David Abramson: A WSRF-Compliant Debugger for Grid Applications. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
4EEDonny Kurniawan, David Abramson: An Integrated Grid Development Environment in Eclipse. eScience 2007: 491-498
3EEDonny Kurniawan, David Abramson: Worqbench: An Integrated Framework for e-Science Application Development. e-Science 2006: 51
2 David Abramson, Raphael A. Finkel, Donny Kurniawan, Victor Kowalenko, Greg Watson: Parallel Relative Debugging with Dynamic Data Structures. ISCA PDCS 2003: 22-29
1EETom Peachey, David Abramson, Andrew Lewis, Donny Kurniawan, Rhys Jones: Optimization Using Nimrod/O and Its Application to Robust Mechanical Design. PPAM 2003: 730-737

Coauthor Index

1David Abramson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Raphael A. Finkel [2]
3Rhys Jones [1]
4Victor Kowalenko [2]
5Andrew Lewis [1]
6Tom Peachey [1]
7Greg Watson [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)