
Oren Kurland

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14EEMichael Bendersky, Oren Kurland: Utilizing Passage-Based Language Models for Document Retrieval. ECIR 2008: 162-174
13EEOren Kurland: The opposite of smoothing: a language model approach to ranking query-specific document clusters. SIGIR 2008: 171-178
12EEOren Kurland, Carmel Domshlak: A rank-aggregation approach to searching for optimal query-specific clusters. SIGIR 2008: 547-554
11EELiron Zighelnic, Oren Kurland: Query-drift prevention for robust query expansion. SIGIR 2008: 825-826
10EEMichael Bendersky, Oren Kurland: Re-ranking search results using document-passage graphs. SIGIR 2008: 853-854
9EEOren Kurland, Lillian Lee: Respect My Authority! HITS Without Hyperlinks, Utilizing Cluster-Based Language Models CoRR abs/0804.3599: (2008)
8EEMattan Winaver, Oren Kurland, Carmel Domshlak: Towards robust query expansion: model selection in the language modeling framework. SIGIR 2007: 729-730
7EEOren Kurland, Lillian Lee: Respect my authority!: HITS without hyperlinks, utilizing cluster-based language models. SIGIR 2006: 83-90
6EEOren Kurland, Lillian Lee: PageRank without hyperlinks: Structural re-ranking using links induced by language models CoRR abs/cs/0601045: (2006)
5EEOren Kurland, Lillian Lee, Carmel Domshlak: Better than the real thing? Iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models CoRR abs/cs/0601046: (2006)
4EEOren Kurland, Lillian Lee, Carmel Domshlak: Better than the real thing?: iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models. SIGIR 2005: 19-26
3EEOren Kurland, Lillian Lee: PageRank without hyperlinks: structural re-ranking using links induced by language models. SIGIR 2005: 306-313
2EEOren Kurland, Lillian Lee: Corpus structure, language models, and ad hoc information retrieval. SIGIR 2004: 194-201
1EEOren Kurland, Lillian Lee: Corpus structure, language models, and ad hoc information retrieval CoRR cs.IR/0405044: (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Bendersky [10] [14]
2Carmel Domshlak [4] [5] [8] [12]
3Lillian Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
4Mattan Winaver [8]
5Liron Zighelnic [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)