
Arnas Kupsys

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3EEArnas Kupsys, Richard Ekwall: Architectural Issues of JMS Compliant Group Communication. NCA 2005: 139-148
2EEArnas Kupsys, Stefan Pleisch, André Schiper, Matthias Wiesmann: Towards JMS Compliant Group Communication - A Semantic Mapping. NCA 2004: 131-140
1EEStefan Pleisch, Arnas Kupsys, André Schiper: Preventing Orphan Requests in the Context of Replicated Invocation. SRDS 2003: 119-

Coauthor Index

1Richard Ekwall [3]
2Stefan Pleisch [1] [2]
3André Schiper [1] [2]
4Matthias Wiesmann [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)