
Gábor Kun

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8EEGábor Kun, Benoit Larose: Maximum stable sets in analogs of Kneser and complete graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 30(1): 17-29 (2009)
7EEGábor Kun, Jaroslav Nesetril: Forbidden lifts (NP and CSP for combinatorialists). Eur. J. Comb. 29(4): 930-945 (2008)
6EEGábor Kun, Jaroslav Nesetril: NP by Means of Lifts and Shadows. MFCS 2007: 171-181
5EEGábor Kun, Jaroslav Nesetril: NP by means of lifts and shadows CoRR abs/0706.3459: (2007)
4EEGábor Kun, Jaroslav Nesetril: NP for Combinatorialists. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29: 373-381 (2007)
3EEGábor Kun, Vera Vértesi: The Membership Problem in Finite Flat Hypergraph Algebras. IJAC 17(3): 449-459 (2007)
2EEGábor Kun, Csaba Szabó: Jónsson Terms and Near-Unanimity Functions in Finite Posets. Order 20(4): 291-298 (2003)
1EEGábor Kun, Csaba Szabó: Order Varieties and Monotone Retractions of Finite Posets. Order 18(1): 79-88 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Benoit Larose [8]
2Jaroslav Nesetril (Jarik Nesetril) [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Csaba Szabó [1] [2]
4Vera Vértesi [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)