
Vijai Kumar

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5EEB. S. Kademani, Vijai Kumar, Ganesh Surwase, Anil Sagar, Lalit Mohan, Anil Kumar, C. R. Gaderao: Research and citation impact of publications by the Chemistry Division at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Scientometrics 71(1): 25-57 (2007)
4EEB. S. Kademani, V. L. Kalyane, Vijai Kumar, Lalit Mohan: Letter to the Editor. Scientometrics 66(3): 615-617 (2006)
3EEB. S. Kademani, Vijai Kumar, Anil Sagar, Anil Kumar: World literature on thorium research: A scientometric study based on Science Citation Index. Scientometrics 69(2): 347-364 (2006)
2EEB. S. Kademani, V. L. Kalyane, Vijai Kumar, Lalit Mohan: Nobel laureates: Their publication productivity, collaboration and authorship status. Scientometrics 62(2): 261-268 (2005)
1EERekha P. Upadhye, V. L. Kalyane, Vijai Kumar, E. R. Prakasan: Scientometric analysis of synchronous references in the Physics Nobel lectures, 1981-1985: A pilot study. Scientometrics 61(1): 55-68 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1C. R. Gaderao [5]
2B. S. Kademani [2] [3] [4] [5]
3V. L. Kalyane [1] [2] [4]
4Anil Kumar [3] [5]
5Lalit Mohan [2] [4] [5]
6E. R. Prakasan [1]
7Anil Sagar [3] [5]
8Ganesh Surwase [5]
9Rekha P. Upadhye [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)