
Dinesh Kumar

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7EEG. S. Mahalakshmi, T. V. Geetha, Arun Kumar, Dinesh Kumar, S. Manikandan: Gautama - Ontology Editor Based on Nyaya Logic. ICLA 2009: 232-242
6 Neeta Nain, B. M. Deepak, Dinesh Kumar, Biju Gautham, Manisha Baswal: Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Matching. IPCV 2008: 124-130
5EERajiv Kumar Sharma, Dinesh Kumar, Pradeep Kumar: Predicting uncertain behavior of industrial system using FM - A practical case. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(1): 96-109 (2008)
4EEDinesh Kumar, C. S. Rai, Shakti Kumar: Dimensionality Reduction using SOM based Technique for Face Recognition. Journal of Multimedia 3(1): 1-6 (2008)
3 Shern Yau, Dinesh Kumar: Recognition of Dynamic Signatures for People Verification. PRIS 2007: 189-198
2EEXiujuan Geng, Dinesh Kumar, Gary E. Christensen: Transitive Inverse-Consistent Manifold Registration. IPMI 2005: 468-479
1EER. K. Mohanty, David J. Evans, Dinesh Kumar: High Accuracy Difference Formulae for a Fourth Order Quasi-Linear Parabolic Initial Boundary Value Problem of First Kind. Int. J. Comput. Math. 80(3): 381-398 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Manisha Baswal [6]
2Gary E. Christensen [2]
3B. M. Deepak [6]
4David J. Evans [1]
5Biju Gautham [6]
6T. V. Geetha [7]
7Xiujuan Geng [2]
8Arun Kumar [7]
9Pradeep Kumar [5]
10Shakti Kumar [4]
11G. S. Mahalakshmi [7]
12S. Manikandan [7]
13R. K. Mohanty [1]
14Neeta Nain [6]
15C. S. Rai [4]
16Rajiv Kumar Sharma [5]
17Shern Yau [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)