
Sunil Suresh Kulkarni

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4EESunil Suresh Kulkarni, Aravind Iyer, Catherine Rosenberg: An address-light, integrated MAC and routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 14(4): 793-806 (2006)
3EEDongyan Xu, Sunil Suresh Kulkarni, Catherine Rosenberg, Heung-Keung Chai: Analysis of a CDN-P2P hybrid architecture for cost-effective streaming media distribution. Multimedia Syst. 11(4): 383-399 (2006)
2EESunil Suresh Kulkarni, Catherine Rosenberg: Opportunistic Scheduling: Generalizations to Include Multiple Constraints, Multiple Interfaces, and Short Term Fairness. Wireless Networks 11(5): 557-569 (2005)
1EESunil Suresh Kulkarni, Catherine Rosenberg: Opportunistic scheduling for wireless systems with multiple interfaces and multiple constraints. MSWiM 2003: 11-19

Coauthor Index

1Heung-Keung Chai [3]
2Aravind Iyer [4]
3Catherine Rosenberg [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Dongyan Xu [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)