
Dinesh C. Kulkarni

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7EEArindam Banerji, Dinesh C. Kulkarni, David L. Cohn: A Framework for Building Extensible C++ Class Libraries. C++ Conference 1994: 21-36
6 Dinesh C. Kulkarni, Arindam Banerji, David L. Cohn: Operating Systems and Cost Management. Operating Systems Review 28(1): 5-10 (1994)
5 Arindam Banerji, Dinesh C. Kulkarni, John M. Tracey, Paul M. Greenawalt, David L. Cohn: High-Performance Distributed Shared Memory Substrate for Workstation Clusters. HPDC 1993: 344-351
4 Dinesh C. Kulkarni, Arindam Banerji, Michael R. Casey, David L. Cohn: Structuring Distributed Shared Memory with the pi Architecture. ICDCS 1993: 93-100
3 Arindam Banerji, David L. Cohn, Dinesh C. Kulkarni: Mobile Computing Personae. Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems 1993: 14-20
2 Dinesh C. Kulkarni, Arindam Banerji, David L. Cohn: A new approach to the design of distributed operating systems. OOPS Messenger 4(2): 141-143 (1993)
1 Dinesh C. Kulkarni, Arindam Banerji, David L. Cohn: Operating System Support for Cooperation in Distributed OODBs. IWDOM 1992: 270-286

Coauthor Index

1Arindam Banerji [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Michael R. Casey [4]
3David L. Cohn [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Paul M. Greenawalt [5]
5John M. Tracey [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)