
Alfons A. M. Kuijk

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11EEGeert Caenen, Greet Frederix, Alfons A. M. Kuijk, Eric J. Pauwels, Ben A. M. Schouten: Show Me What You Mean! Pariss: A CBIR-Interface that Learns by Example. VISUAL 2000: 257-268
10 Patrick Marais, Edwin H. Blake, Alfons A. M. Kuijk: Adaptive Spline-Wavelet Image Encoding and Real-Time Synthesis. ICIP (3) 1994: 368-372
9 Alfons A. M. Kuijk: Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware III (Eurographics'88 Workshop) Springer 1991
8 Michael A. Guravage, Edwin H. Blake, Alfons A. M. Kuijk: XInPosse: Structural Simulation for Graphics Hardware. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1991: 9-19
7 Alfons A. M. Kuijk: Temporal Issues of Animate Response. Workstations for Experiments 1989: 66-81
6EEAlfons A. M. Kuijk, Edwin H. Blake: Faster Phong Shading via Angular Interpolation. Comput. Graph. Forum 8(4): 315-324 (1989)
5 Alfons A. M. Kuijk, Wolfgang Straßer: Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware II (Eurographics'87 Workshop) Springer 1988
4 J. A. K. S. Jayasinghe, Alfons A. M. Kuijk, Lambert Spaanenburg: A Display Controller for an Object-level Frame Store System. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1988: 141-170
3 Varol Akman, Paul J. W. ten Hagen, Alfons A. M. Kuijk: A Vector-like Architecture for Raster Graphics. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1987: 137-154
2 Alfons A. M. Kuijk, Paul J. W. ten Hagen, Varol Akman: An Exact Incremental Hidden Surface Removal Algorithm. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1987: 21-37
1 Paul J. W. ten Hagen, Alfons A. M. Kuijk, C. G. Trienekens: Display Architecture for VLSI-based Graphics Workstations. Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware 1986: 3-16

Coauthor Index

1Varol Akman [2] [3]
2Edwin H. Blake [6] [8] [10]
3Geert Caenen [11]
4Greet Frederix [11]
5Michael A. Guravage [8]
6Paul J. W. ten Hagen [1] [2] [3]
7J. A. K. S. Jayasinghe [4]
8Patrick Marais [10]
9Eric J. Pauwels [11]
10Ben A. M. Schouten [11]
11Lambert Spaanenburg [4]
12Wolfgang Straßer [5]
13C. G. Trienekens [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)