
Robert J. Kuhns

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6EEJennifer Wells Akis, Stephanie Brucker, Virginia Chapman, Layne Ethington, Robert J. Kuhns, P. J. Schemenaur: Authoring translation-ready documents: is software the answer? SIGDOC 2003: 39-44
5EEWilliam A. Woods, Lawrence A. Bookman, Ann Houston, Robert J. Kuhns, Paul Martin, Stephen J. Green: Linguistic Knowledge can Improve Information Retrieval. ANLP 2000: 262-267
4EERobert J. Kuhns: A PARLOG Implementation of Government-Binding Theory. COLING 1990: 394-396
3EERobert J. Kuhns: Automatic Indexing and Government-Binding Theory. COLING 1990: 397-399
2 Robert J. Kuhns: A news analysis system. COLING 1988: 351-355
1 Robert J. Kuhns: A PROLOG Implementation of Government-Binding Theory. COLING 1986: 546-550

Coauthor Index

1Jennifer Wells Akis [6]
2Lawrence A. Bookman [5]
3Stephanie Brucker [6]
4Virginia Chapman [6]
5Layne Ethington [6]
6Stephen J. Green [5]
7Ann Houston [5]
8Paul Martin [5]
9P. J. Schemenaur [6]
10William A. Woods [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)