
Thomas Kuhn

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11EEThomas Kuhn, Reinhard Gotzhein: Model-Driven Platform-Specific Testing through Configurable Simulations. ECMDA-FA 2008: 278-293
10EEReinhard Gotzhein, Thomas Kuhn: Decentralized Tick Synchronization for Multi-Hop Medium Slotting in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Black Bursts. SECON 2008: 422-431
9EEPhilipp Becker, Reinhard Gotzhein, Thomas Kuhn: MacZ - A Quality-of-Service MAC Layer for Ad-hoc Networks. HIS 2007: 277-282
8EEThomas Kuhn, José Irigon de Irigon: An experimental evaluation of black burst transmissions. MOBIWAC 2007: 163-167
7EEReinhard Gotzhein, Rüdiger Grammes, Thomas Kuhn: Specifying Input Port Bounds in SDL. SDL Forum 2007: 101-116
6EEThomas Kuhn, Reinhard Gotzhein, Christian Webel: Model-Driven Development with SDL - Process, Tools, and Experiences. MoDELS 2006: 83-97
5EEThomas Kuhn, Philipp Becker: A Simulator Interconnection Framework for the Accurate Performance Simulation of SDL Models. SAM 2006: 133-147
4EEThomas Kuhn, Alexander Geraldy, Reinhard Gotzhein, Florian Rothländer: ns+SDL - The Network Simulator for SDL Systems. SDL Forum 2005: 103-116
3EEIngmar Fliege, Alexander Geraldy, Reinhard Gotzhein, Thomas Kuhn, Christian Webel: Developing safety-critical real-time systems with SDL design patterns and components. Computer Networks 49(5): 689-706 (2005)
2EEMarion Mast, Franz Kummert, Ute Ehrlich, Gernot A. Fink, Thomas Kuhn, Heinrich Niemann, Gerhard Sagerer: A Speech Understanding and Dialog System with a Homogeneous Linguistic Knowledge Base. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(2): 179-194 (1994)
1 Wieland Eckert, Gernot A. Fink, Andreas Kießling, Ralf Kompe, Thomas Kuhn, Franz Kummert, Marion Mast, Heinrich Niemann, Elmar Nöth, R. Prechtel, S. Rieck, Gerhard Sagerer, A. Scheuer, Ernst Günter Schukat-Talamazzini, B. Seestaedt: EVAR: Ein sprachverstehendes Dialosystem. KONVENS 1992: 49-58

Coauthor Index

1Philipp Becker [5] [9]
2Wieland Eckert [1]
3Ute Ehrlich [2]
4Gernot A. Fink [1] [2]
5Ingmar Fliege [3]
6Alexander Geraldy [3] [4]
7Reinhard Gotzhein [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11]
8Rüdiger Grammes [7]
9José Irigon de Irigon [8]
10Andreas Kießling [1]
11Ralf Kompe [1]
12Franz Kummert [1] [2]
13Marion Mast [1] [2]
14Heinrich Niemann [1] [2]
15Elmar Nöth [1]
16R. Prechtel [1]
17S. Rieck [1]
18Florian Rothländer [4]
19Gerhard Sagerer [1] [2]
20A. Scheuer [1]
21Ernst Günter Schukat-Talamazzini [1]
22B. Seestaedt [1]
23Christian Webel [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)