
Mitsunori Kubo

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5EEMitsunori Kubo, Baoliu Ye, Arata Shinozaki, Minyi Guo: UMP-PerComp: A Ubiquitous Multiprocessor Network-Based Pipeline Processing Framework for Pervasive Computing Environments. AINA 2007: 611-618
4EEArata Shinozaki, Masatoshi Shima, Minyi Guo, Mitsunori Kubo: Multiprocessor Simulator System Based on Multi-way Cluster Using Double-buffered Model. AINA 2007: 893-900
3EEMitsunori Kubo, Fumio Terauchi, Hiroyuki Aoki: Two Vibration Modes of a Human Body Sitting on a Car Seat- The Relationship Between Riding Discomfort Affected by the Material Properties of the Seat Cushion and the Two Vibration Modes. HCI (12) 2007: 894-903
2EEArata Shinozaki, Mitsunori Kubo, Takayuki Nakatomi, Baoliu Ye, Minyi Guo: Hardware Implementation of Common Protocol Interface for a Network-Based Multiprocessor. ISPA 2007: 303-313
1EEArata Shinozaki, Masatoshi Shima, Minyi Guo, Mitsunori Kubo: A High Performance Simulator System for a Multiprocessor System Based on a Multi-way Cluster. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2006: 231-243

Coauthor Index

1Hiroyuki Aoki [3]
2Minyi Guo [1] [2] [4] [5]
3Takayuki Nakatomi [2]
4Masatoshi Shima [1] [4]
5Arata Shinozaki [1] [2] [4] [5]
6Fumio Terauchi [3]
7Baoliu Ye [2] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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