
Ferenc Kubinszky

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3EEGábor Németh, Peter Tarjan, Gergely Biczok, Ferenc Kubinszky, Andras Veres: Measuring high-speed TCP performance during mobile handovers. LCN 2007: 599-612
2EEGyörgy Miklós, Ferenc Kubinszky, András Rácz, Zoltán Turányi, András Gergely Valkó, Miklós Aurél Rónai, Sándor Molnár: A novel scheme to interconnect multiple frequency hopping channels into an ad hoc network. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 8(1): 109-124 (2004)
1EEAndrás Rácz, György Miklós, Ferenc Kubinszky, András Gergely Valkó: A pseudo random coordinated scheduling algorithm for Bluetooth scatternets. MobiHoc 2001: 193-203

Coauthor Index

1Gergely Biczok [3]
2György Miklós [1] [2]
3Sándor Molnár [2]
4Gábor Németh [3]
5András Rácz [1] [2]
6Miklós Aurél Rónai [2]
7Peter Tarjan [3]
8Zoltán Turányi [2]
9András Gergely Valkó [1] [2]
10Andras Veres [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)