
Ashok K. Krishnamurthy

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3 Ashok K. Krishnamurthy, Stanley C. Ahalt, Douglas E. Melton, Prakoon Chen: Neural Networks for Vector Quantization of Speech and Images. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(8): 1449-1457 (1990)
2EEStanley C. Ahalt, Ashok K. Krishnamurthy, Prakoon Chen, Douglas E. Melton: Competitive learning algorithms for vector quantization. Neural Networks 3(3): 277-290 (1990)
1EEStanley C. Ahalt, F. D. Garber, I. Jouny, Ashok K. Krishnamurthy: Performance of Synthetic Neural Network Classification of Noisy Radar Signals. NIPS 1988: 281-288

Coauthor Index

1Stanley C. Ahalt [1] [2] [3]
2Prakoon Chen [2] [3]
3F. D. Garber [1]
4I. Jouny [1]
5Douglas E. Melton [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)