
Govind Krishnamurthi

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6EERobert C. Chalmers, Govind Krishnamurthi, Kevin C. Almeroth: Enabling Intelligent Handovers in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. MONET 11(2): 215-227 (2006)
5 Govind Krishnamurthi, Murat Azizoglu, Arun K. Somani: Optimal Distributed Location Management in Mobile Networks. MONET 6(2): 117-124 (2001)
4EEGovind Krishnamurthi, Stefano Chessa, Arun K. Somani: Fast recovery from database/link failures in mobile networks. Computer Communications 23(5-6): 561-574 (2000)
3EEGovind Krishnamurthi, Arun K. Somani: Effect of Failures on Optimal Location Management Algorithms. FTCS 1999: 110-117
2EEGovind Krishnamurthi, Stefano Chessa, Arun K. Somani: Fast Recovery Protocol for Database and Link Failures in Mobile Networks. ICCCN 1998: 32-39
1EEGovind Krishnamurthi, Murat Azizoglu, Arun K. Somani: Optimal Location Management Algorithms for Mobile Networks. MOBICOM 1998: 223-232

Coauthor Index

1Kevin C. Almeroth [6]
2Murat Azizoglu [1] [5]
3Robert C. Chalmers [6]
4Stefano Chessa [2] [4]
5Arun K. Somani [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)