
Murali C. Krishna

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5EESankaran Subramanian, Calvin A. Johnson, Nallathamby Devasahayam, Ken-ichi Matsumoto, Fuminori Hyodo, John Cook, Murali C. Krishna: In vivo spectral-spatial imaging for oxygen mapping using single-point, time-domain electron paramagnetic resonance. ISBI 2006: 1096-1099
4 P. Alli, Murali C. Krishna, R. Murugesan: Contrast Enhancement of Electron Magnetic Resonance Images Using Linear and Non Linear Unsharp Masking Techniques. ICVGIP 2004: 348-
3 S. Sivakumar, Murali C. Krishna, R. Murugesan: Evaluation of Algebraic Iterative Algorithms for Reconstruction of Electron Magnetic Resonance Images. ICVGIP 2004: 353-
2EECalvin A. Johnson, Delia McGarry, John A. Cook, Nallathamby Devasahayam, James B. Mitchell, Sankaran Subramanian, Murali C. Krishna: Maximum Entropy Reconstruction Methods in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging. Annals OR 119(1-4): 101-118 (2003)
1EEAndrew G. Taube, Sankaran Subramanian, Ramachandran Murugesan, Nallathamby Devasahayam, James B. Mitchell, Murali C. Krishna, John A. Cook: An application system for automation of constant-time radio frequency electron paramagnetic resonance imaging. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 72(2): 127-138 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1P. Alli [4]
2John Cook [5]
3John A. Cook [1] [2]
4Nallathamby Devasahayam [1] [2] [5]
5Fuminori Hyodo [5]
6Calvin A. Johnson [2] [5]
7Ken-ichi Matsumoto [5]
8Delia McGarry [2]
9James B. Mitchell [1] [2]
10R. Murugesan [3] [4]
11Ramachandran Murugesan [1]
12S. Sivakumar [3]
13Sankaran Subramanian [1] [2] [5]
14Andrew G. Taube [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)